The Depravity of Hamas and Its Foreign Fans

For the physically gorgeous young woman holding the sign in this picture, which went viral back in February, the end of destroying Israel justifies the means — any means. And this is fitting, because her end is a second Holocaust, in which more than seven million Israeli Jews are to be murdered, outdoing Hitler. So why shouldn’t rape and slaughter be the means? Most of the world, it seems, is silent about this while ceaselessly demanding that the Israelis fight with both hands tied behind their backs and their ankles shackled, if they won’t do the “right” thing and just give up in the face of the Arab Nazis of Hamas.

As for the Hamas backers, whether Palestinians, Islamists, or non-Arab and non-Muslim leftists, they usually try to obfuscate the wretched evil of both the means and the ends of “the resistance.” Their most effective propaganda for this purpose is the enormous lie that it is Israel that intends to commit, and actually is committing, genocide. They couple this with denial of what Hamas actually did on October 7 and is doing still to the hostages it took that day. The fact that there are supposedly zealous feminists among them must be the most sickening demonstration of bad faith in history.

Let what Thomas Jefferson naively called “a candid world,” or what I would call that portion of the so-called international community that is not completely saturated in psychotic Jew hatred, remember the news that broke today: Israeli soldiers have found in a Hamas tunnel the bodies of two young Israeli Jewish women, Shani Louk and Amit Bouskila, and a middle-aged Israeli Jewish man, Itshak Gelernter, whom the terrorists murdered at the Nova music festival in Israel last October 7. The murderers took the trouble to drag their bloodied corpses back to their lair in the Gaza Strip to use as bargaining chips. What they want in the long term is a second Holocaust. Their main immediate demands are that Israel stop fighting so that Hamas can reestablish its totalitarian rule in the Gaza Strip and prepare for the next round of mass atrocities that the terrorist group has already openly vowed to launch, and that Israel let go thousands of convicted terrorists to fill out its depleted ranks with more proven murderers.

To this, all those “idealistic” young American and European college students are adding their demands that the more than seven million Jews and close to three million non-Jews who are citizens of Israel be cut off from all commerce and all academic and cultural exchange with the rest of the world, and that they be denied any means of self-defense. The obvious intent is that, in this hermetic isolation, Hamas, Hezbollah, and their Iranian masters can slaughter them all at their leisure. In effect, it is the same tactic of ghettoization that Nazi Germany used to isolate all the Jews it could catch in all the areas it had conquered, for the sole purpose of mass murder.

If confronted with this argument and forced to respond to it, many and perhaps a majority of the “anti-Zionist protesters” would disavow these ends, but not one single person from among this vast international throng has yet emerged to propose anything other than the ultra-violent means and exterminationist ends they all join with the “radicals” in chanting for — a land free of Jews “from the river to the sea,” along with a ”globalization of the Intifada” to ensure that every single Jew, everywhere in the world, becomes a marked man, woman, or child living on borrowed time.

Thinking about the terrible fate of Shani Louk, Amit Bouskila, and Itshak Gelernter, I was reminded of the horrifying tale in the Iliad of how Achilles dragged his slain foe Hector around the walls of Troy, the better to torment the dead warrior’s watching family. But the pro-Troy figures among the gods guard the corpse against further harm, and in the end the Trojan King Priam ventures outside the city walls and meets with Achilles. The Greek champion’s heart is softened by the old king’s courage and the grief they share for their dead, and he lets Priam reclaim his son for a proper burial.

Let that sink in. A legendary Greek figure who, if he really existed, lived well over three thousand years ago, was more humane to the family of his sworn enemy Hector, who had killed his best friend and possible lover Patroclus, than are the so-called resistance fighters to the families of their victims — who were, after all, defenseless civilians. The leftists among the Hamas fans call themselves progressives and imagine they are infinitely superior in morals to those who came of age in, for example, the 1950s, but in truth they have fallen to a level far below that of Archaic Age Greece. Yet again, moral progress turns out to be an utterly hollow boast of our age, which given our wonderful progress in science, therefore bids fair to be the last age of Man.

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