An Open Letter to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Your Father and Your Uncles Would Be Ashamed Of You!

My apologies to constant readers, who can safely skip this post because I make much the same points I have already made on this grotesque end of a storied American political family. But his campaign somehow got hold of my email address and hit me up for cash, so I consider that the Worst Kennedy asked for this.

Dear Mr. Kennedy:

Your campaign just hit me up for a contribution, and you might think that they just hit paydirt, if I had any money to give. My family have been ardent Kennedy supporters since your uncle’s 1960 presidential campaign, when my late father, a native of the Boston area who was then working on his history doctorate from Harvard. He wrote to Eleanor Roosevelt during the Democratic primary campaign asking her to support your uncle, and received a hand-signed reply reassuring him that she would. Twenty years later, my dad campaigned door to door during your other uncle’s campaign for president. I was born the year after your father was murdered, but I grew up believing that he could have beaten Nixon and ended the war in Vietnam years earlier, saving countless lives, and gone on to steer America in a very different direction from the tragic path it actually took in the Reagan-Bush years. You shamelessly played on nostalgia for the elder generation of Kennedys in your Super Bowl ad, which you then cynically pretended to apologize for.

Unfortunately, sir, your anti-vaccine lunacy has encouraged countless people to avoid lifesaving immunizations, endangering their lives and the lives of innumerable others. Your caught-on-tape remarks a few months ago, in which you delusionally imagined that Jews and Chinese people were immune to COVID, presumably because they caused the pandemic, prove beyond any doubt that you are an antisemite and a racist. Try telling that to my old Jewish mother, now suffering chronic fatigue after surviving her second bout of COVID, not to mention the 1.4 million or more dead in mainland China.

Most of all, your ridiculous campaign at this time, along with many of the bizarre public remarks you have made and the large contributions you have received from known supporters of Donald Trump, raise the suspicion that you are a stalking horse for him, a fact that you are far too intelligent not to realize. Which means you are actively boosting his attempt to destroy American democracy and impose a dangerous dictatorship.

Your father and your uncles would be ashamed of you. Please go away, this country has enough problems without you deliberately making them worse.

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